Music Saves(and a sad poem, yay!)



by Candice

April 17th 2018

I've been playing with songs. I wrap them around my heart. I let them undress my soul at night; take flight, take my hand when I fall, let me fall, let me be the human

the bird

the girl

the woman

 the wake

the clouded sky and silver lining

the birthday of the dead

the death of my dreams

the new dreams come

let them come

let them come

like a man who has not loved

but spills inside his mistress with a cry of sorrow

like the wife who drinks a bottle of wine each night

and smiles, smiles, smiles

Let us play

with songs

let music heal all our wrongs

let it raze me


free me and make me

Play me

Spin me

a child in the dark

fearless walking

moon light eyes

I've been playing

not you


