November 1st 2015: Wow, I feel so peaceful today. When I was recently told I had arthritis in my feet, I chose to find out what kind of solutions were available. The Raw Food movement came up a lot in regards to reducing inflammation and pain (not just for arthritis either, asthma and other conditions seemed to benefit greatly). I am highly unlikely to commit to a Raw Vegan lifestyle; I love salmon, chocolate and pancakes and can't imagine only eating raw, cool food in the winter.
I am a Pitta constitution in Ayurvedic medicine; there are different constitutions and Pitta is one of these. These constitutions are called doshas - Pitta is the fiery one and cooling foods are recommended. If you want to know what kind of dosha you are (and you're usually a blend of two) then check out There are three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. What I find interesting is that according to the dude who wrote the Blood Type diet, my blood type (A+) also echoes much of what is already said when describing the Pitta type. Check out whether the blood type 'diet' is useful to you:
Food: This week I dramatically increased fruit and vegetables. I have still been eating some cooked meals (such as mushrooms grilled with salmon and asparagus) and not given up coffee or cheese yet. Even after only four days of increased fruit and veg (eg: two bananas, two mandarins and an apple for breakfast) I have noticed how much better I feel.
Tomorrow I get hardcore about grains. None at all! I am a real bread head, but I'm realising that even gluten free bread is not doing me any favours in terms of energy. Today I experimented and had rice flour pancakes and my stomach went fucking beserk! I went from having a flat(ish) stomach to looking five months preggy. When I think on it, I did not react well to rice when I lived in South Korea for a year. The food there made me really sick. It's also possible that I just over did the pancakes today and if I'd had one instead of four maybe my tummy wouldn't have been so annoyed.
Cravings: So having the rice pancakes fulfilled more of a psychological need than anything, and what really amped up the crap factor was that I had butter, maple syrup and lemon juice on them. Yes, yes, absolutely delicious ... but oh sugar. I have been getting all my sugar kicks from fruit for four days, and then I went and gorged on maple syrup coated pancakes.
Exercise: Join me on my experiment with walking (and eventually running) barefoot. For more than a week I have walked barefoot nearly every day for up to 45 minutes on a mixture of footpath, grass and bush track. My ankles and calves ached, but I'm getting used to it. Yesterday I walked over the track to White's Beach from Piha and took only those beach slippers for when I got to the rocks; today I was exhausted! That was more than two hours barefoot walking up some fairly steep tracks; I think I'm meant to take it easy when first going barefoot.
Vibram Five Fingers: Made a bigger commitment to barefoot. Five fingers are those weird looking 'shoes'; they resemble gloves for the feet. I got some today, and for a really good price. Tomorrow when I walk one of Amy's dogs I will be slipping into my Vibram's and may even jog for a short period of time to see how it feels. Makes me feel like some sort of bouncy cat person - so much easier to grip surfaces with bare feet or minimal foot wear.
Notes on Love: I have been raking very quickly through potential love interests in recent months. I usually give a man a million chances, but lately I realise I don't need to. I'm getting to know someone at the moment, but we'll see. It's promising as he seems to be genuinely interested in getting to know me, has good self esteem and he LOVES the sea too! But who knows? I certainly don't, and that's okay. Meows! xxx
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